Why Sponsor CloudBuilt?

Click here to order your sponsor package!

Become a Partner of CloudBuilt, Europe's first multi-cloud community conference, and position your brand at the forefront of innovation.

Seize the opportunity to contribute to the growth of the tech industry.

Become a CloudBuilt Exhibitor today!

Prices are at the end of this page; firstly, select your Sponsor type, considering the options you might want to expand into.

Engage with IT professionals, tech enthusiasts, software providers, consultants, and MVPs from across the globe as they gather to explore the latest advancements in cloud technology.

Many will be new to you, and it will provide an opportunity to connect with new companies. Showcase your solutions through live introductions and demos, and forge meaningful connections with our diverse audience.

Steve is available... email steved@cloudbuilt.eu or call him on +32 497 33 20 23

Click here to order your sponsor package!

Founding Sponsor
€ 3750
Gold Sponsor
€ 2750
Numbers available 4 12
Your Company Logo on all communication Yes
Your Company Logo on Web site and event brouchures Yes Yes
Listed on the Founding Sponsors pages of the Cloudbuilt.EU for 4 years Yes
Large Sponsor Booth and 2 event tickets Yes
Medium Sponsor Booth and 1 ticket Yes
Presentation slot in Exhibition space Yes First 6
Logo on Attendee Badges Yes
Meetings with the management team to help define direction Yes
Input into workshop and session subject selection Yes Yes
Prime positioned Founding Sponsor Banners Yes
Workshop naming right to the first 2 founding Sponsors Yes
Attendee List (opt-in) pre and post event Yes Yes
The only logos on the event Welcome Communication Yes
Sponsor Banner on Web site Sponsor page Yes
Option for Year 2,3 & 4 Platinum Sponsor positions Yes
Content in Swag bag Yes


Founding Sponsor Gold Sponsor Price
Conference Headlining Sponsor
  • Biggest Stand In Prime Slot
  • Next to the Coffee Service
  • Present Event Keynote
  • Option to present one Workshop
Option € 1500
Conference gift Option € 1500 + gift cost
Conference Swag Bag Sponsor Option Option € 250 + gift cost
Meet-up Named Sponsor:
The Sponsor Introduction
Host the Drinks/Snacks reception
Option € 500 + Any reception costs
Coffee/Refreshements Sponsor Option Option € 1500
Walking Dinner Sponsor Option Option € 5000
Charity Spirit Bar Option Option € 3000